Peace-less mornings with the porch cats

Mornings used to be so peaceful. I would leisurely get up, stretch a little bit, joyfully stub my toed on the edge of the bed, make some coffee, sip it in total relaxation while reading the paper.

My mornings were glorious.

Then I came down with a case of the porch cats. An affliction known to the scientific community as porchcatitis, with symptoms that can be as serious as pulling out your hair, general screaming, uncontrollable twitching, the urge to gnaw on pressure-treated wood, and most definitely, ruining your morning.

Mornings are no longer peaceful.

Because porch cats, like all cats, are finnicky and fussy. These two have already forgotten they were practically homeless just a couple months ago when we unofficially adopted them. Gave them land rights to our porch.

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In Florida, reflecting on a week with Hurricane Dorian

It certainly feels like we dodged a bullet. Actually, a glimpse at how Hurricane Dorian left the Bahamas and we know it wasn’t a bullet. More like a tropical bomb. One that had been headed right for Florida. It only stopped at our doorstep and reconsidered because a timely weather system swooped down and gently nudged the hurricane on a neat, narrow path around the state.

For that, we are grateful. Dorian comes a day earlier, or that trough arrives a little late, and this is a different column. This is probably a different state. Look at the Bahamas, if you don’t believe me.

But it took so long for it all to unfold. What was it? Almost a week?

What did you do with all that time? Waiting on the world’s slowest hurricane to galumph its way up the Florida coast? Sloth-like in its calculated, slow-motion crawl. So close to St. Augustine that it was agonizing and terrifying. Yet, just far enough away that some incredibly powerful computers, and the meteorologists who call them friends, said it would keep the winds and waters out.

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A few rules for the porch cats

So, let’s just get something straight you two: YOU’RE PORCH CATS!!!

By definition, that means you live on my porch. That means I have ceded a little bit of my territory – my land, my homestead, the property that I pay a mortgage on every month – to your furry little behinds. Out of the goodness of my heart. As repayment to my wonderful neighbor down the street, who we lost last year. Your previous owner. A terrific woman. And because of that, we let you migrate down the block and take up residence here, on our porch.

But here’s what I’m trying to explain to you … it comes with responsibilities! Certain guidelines. You don’t just get to live here rent free. (Well, that’s not exactly true … you ARE living here “rent free.” In fact, I’m losing money on the deal! Which brings me back to my point …) You two might be pleasant, enjoyable and awfully sweet, but you need to accept a couple of rules that I’m laying down.

For starters, throwing up on the porch – your home!!! – is strictly forbidden. I mean, this should go without saying. Why would you even do that?!? There is a whole huge yard out there where you can do frankly whatever you want. Why do it here? Where people walk! Because, here’s the thing: We don’t always look where we are stepping. Especially when it’s early morning. A little dark out. And I just want to get the newspaper. See where I’m going with this? You think that’s a pleasant morning greeting?

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All the highs and lows of a week off at home

Take a week off in the summer, but don’t go anywhere and you will experience a rainbow of highs and lows. Sometimes there’s nothing better than bumming around the house, hanging with the family, getting little projects done and doing some of the things that bring thousands of people here to the Nation’s Oldest City. Those are the highs. But a week at home – bumming around the house, hanging with the family, getting little projects done – can also come with some … lesser moments.

High: You can get up early each morning and go to the beach with your family before its gets too hot or the tourist hordes descend, snagging the best spots and soaking up all the seawater.

Low: Your family couldn’t get up and moving early if there was an earthquake rattling them out the door. Shoot, your idea of early differs from their idea of early by about 5 hours.

High: You can finally re-paint your daughter’s room, like you’ve been promising, which will bring great joy and a resounding sense of accomplishment and pride. Good job!

Low: You hate painting! I mean, you HATE it!!! Remember that time you stubbed your toe on a sofa and it tore your big toenail 3/4s of the way off? That was like a pleasure cruise in comparison. After you stopped screaming and finally regained consciousness, it slowly got better. But how can a little painting leave you sore in parts of your body you didn’t even know you had?!?

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The great porch cat infestation

Great! Porch cats! Oh man, how in the world did it come to this?

When our good neighbor passed away last year, her two cats, who had themselves adopted her years before, went in search of a new place to eat and lay their heads at night. Porch cats are funny like that: Kind of nomadic. Never bitter or too down about their luck. Resourceful and enterprising. Unfazed and upbeat.

Most of all, they can always spot a sucker.

Exhibit A: My front porch.

I have my daughter to thank for this. A lot of people left food out. Offered to help. Pitched in.
That’s what neighborhoods do. They pull together and help those in need. They take each other in, and care for everyone. Porch cats included.

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The all-over creaky, sore funk

Sore. So … sore. Not pain. Pain is more specific. It signals injury. That you hurt one thing, in one specific place. It’s isolated. But not sore. Sore is everywhere. Sore is kind of a … creaky funk? An all-over malaise. An affliction. A general misery.

Sore is … well … sore is getting older.

This occurred to me the other day as I bent over to pick up a piece of trash outside my office. Thanks to gravity, I had no trouble getting down there. But as I faced the prospect of standing back up, my body creaked and groaned like a diesel-belching steam shovel. “OWWCHHHH!” I moaned as I got back to my feet. It must have been terrifying because two college students observing this whole episode in the hallway stared in horror. “Are you ok?” they asked. I think they nearly ran to get a defibrillator. Or maybe a shovel, figuring it was better to whack me over the head, put me out of my misery and bury me in the back parking lot.

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The (creepy) butterfly watcher

I was standing in my front yard, staring up at the side of my house, oblivious to how warm it was. Oblivious to my surroundings. Oblivious to my former neighbor who was calling out to me: “It’s still there, you know,” he said.

“Huh?” I asked, slightly dazed. “What’s still there?”

“Whatever you’re looking at. It’s still there.”

Yep, it was confirmed, and official: I looked like a crazy man. And maybe I had gone crazy, because what he said made no sense. What I was looking at WASN’T still there. It had moved. I couldn’t find it anymore. Gone!

A caterpillar. For crying out loud, I was looking for a giant caterpillar.

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Kitchen projects and volcanic family interactions

I think of myself as a mellow guy. Pretty calm and polite. Not a hot-head. Someone who tries to be patient and understanding. And when I see my doctor every year, never once has he questioned my sanity or worried about my mental stability.

Which is why I can’t figure out why, when I’m around family, I absolutely lose my mind and turn into a sputtering volcano of acid and fiery … volcano nuggets? (I don’t know, what do volcanoes spit out?)

But what is it about family that makes relatively mild-mannered, easy-going people crazy? That we turn into monstrous versions of ourselves? That we lose all patience and say things that we will inevitably regret? Like this: “MOM!!! I’m gonna’ take a moment to go outside and spit!”

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The (almost) electrifying fountain strike

There’s a rule in life (or should be): Never die because of a backyard fountain. First off, it’s embarrassing. Second, it’s one of three reasons that life insurance won’t payout. (The other two are death by pet piranha and swallowing too much toothpaste.) Truth is, it didn’t technically involve the fountain, and I didn’t almost die. But could have, I suppose. I wasn’t installing it. It’s been in place for over a year. I was snipping vines and weeds with a pair of garden clippers. Innocent. Harmless. Rummaging around in a line of ornamental grasses. Not giving a care in the world to where I was snip-snip-snipping. Because why would I? They’re plants. They haven’t unionized. They’re like kittens. Snip-snip-BZZZAP! That’s when the flash of yellow and blue flame appeared, right out of the long, green leaves. It seemed to jump at me – angry about something. Maybe I had disturbed its slumber with my trimming. Wait a minute … why were my plants exploding in front of my eyes? Maybe they had gone through with the union after all?!?

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Luxurious, rejuvenating shower power in a water filter

My wife has been talking about the hard water here in Northeast Florida and how bad it is for your skin and hair. Apparently, your hair gets frizzy and falls out, and your skin begins to look like a cross between a Nevada dessert and a molting lizard. All because of various mineral deposits and lime scale and a host of other things that sound totally made up by infomercial “scientists.” But I wouldn’t say that in public because I don’t want to sleep on the sofa. Oops! I’m a dutiful husband, though, and I certainly don’t want to look like a molting lizard or the Nevada dessert, especially after a night of sleeping on the couch. So, when she forwarded me an article about water filters for showers that take out bad stuff and help to rejuvenate your body and hair, I did some research, feigned interest and actually bought one. “I ordered the shower filter,” I told her. “Oh goodie!” she said clapping like a seal. “Did you get the one with the Vitamin C infused ceramic beads and the micro luffa sponges and the seaweed extract that turns chlorine into butterscotch candy?”

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