A day at the beach, and remembering to appreciate the little things

“Hey, take a moment to look around at all these people,” I told my daughter. “See them?”

“You mean all these pale, pasty, semi-translucent people?” she asked, gazing at the beachgoers around us. They were mostly tourists. It was President’s Day. Un-seasonably warm. And the beach was hoppin’ with out-of-towners, all keen on turning their skin lollipop red. You could tell they weren’t Floridians because they tromped into the freezing, glacial-like water without screaming as if their skin was being burned off by acid.

“Yes … these people,” I said. “Take a moment and think about how they have worked and saved and planned for months to come here to enjoy a day at the beach, maybe the only time they will see something like this.”

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The ‘What in the world was I thinking?’ quiz

On the verge of my 46th birthday, as I ponder the meaning of time, and more importantly, whether I’m wasting vast gobs of it on ridiculous and absurd endeavors, I have developed a self-help quiz that I like to call: What in the world was I thinking? It goes like this:

• … when I ordered a book on Alexander Hamilton that is as thick as a concrete block … and almost as heavy. I got another book on the great (wait, who was he again?) Founding Father for Christmas, but when I sat down to read it the other night, I realized it was more of a “Hamilton for Dummies” version. Seeing as how I might be a dummy, but don’t like to admit it in public, I snapped the book shut in disgust and said aloud, “This simply will NOT do!” Then I ordered the authoritative, gold standard version … which just so happens to be 7-feet-tall and required two large men to deliver through my door. To turn a page, I stand on a step ladder and use a slightly damp mop to flip from the far edge. What in the world was I thinking? (And do I secretly go back and read the Dummies version?)

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A number capable of striking fear: 13!

Thirteen has always been viewed with disdain and fear. There are lots of reasons why. Some say it all began with Judas. The disciple who betrayed Jesus was the 13th person to arrive at the Last Supper. Before that, it was the tricky little god Loki who showed up 13th at an exclusive dinner party of gods, forgetting to bring a hostess gift and creating all kinds of mayhem.

Today, whole buildings are constructed without 13th floors. Think of that! Can you imagine the physics and engineering behind creating a building that can defy gravity by leaving out an entire floor?!? It’s incredible!

Whenever Friday the 13th comes around, it sends us into a panic, and we have never looked at a hockey mask the same way again.

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And down crashed the little kid coffee mug

Maybe I was in a hurry. Maybe I wasn’t careful enough. Or not as careful as I usually am. The soap on my hands made the mug slick. Maybe sometimes accidents just happen and that’s all there is. Anyway, I fumbled it. Felt it slip from my grasp as fingers scrambled to catch it. The “clank” from hitting the porcelain sink in the kitchen was a sickening sound. The handle broke free, and a chip looped through the air for dramatic effect. As if to say, “Look at me! I’m flying!” “Oh no,” I gasped. The coffee mug was dead. Odd really, now that I think about it. I have never held any affinity for mugs. Not like others do. Put a new coffee mug on some people’s desks and you would think they were just given gold. Or a baby animal. They cherish it. Go ga-ga over it. Promise it a college fund.

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Wondering what my news feed says about me … and my belly fat

My news feeds having been doing a number on me recently. News feeds. You know, those apps on your phone or news aggregating Web sites that look at your past reading habits and then throw out a bunch of stories in hopes you’ll say, “Yes! I’ve always wondered why my dog follows me into the bathroom … I’ll read that!” Most of the time these algorithm-based timesavers have me pegged. Offering up the right amount of politics, soccer, the latest news from Star Wars and really strange stories with headlines like, “Viral ‘Goat Monster’ is Actually a Real Goat Breed.” Wo! That’s better than, “Bitcoin saved my marriage, but got me broke.” But lately, my feeds have taken a turn for, “Say what now?” They have me wondering. Questioning. Worrying. What in the wide world is going on!?! Like how I keep getting stories — sometimes 6-7 a day — that are a variation of this: “Seven top superfoods to lose stubborn belly fat.” Um … ok. Why exactly, dear algorithm, do you think I need to read so many of these stories? Because the “lose belly fat” topic is either incredibly trendy right now, or my digital devices are trying to tell me something!

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Luxurious, rejuvenating shower power in a water filter

My wife has been talking about the hard water here in Northeast Florida and how bad it is for your skin and hair. Apparently, your hair gets frizzy and falls out, and your skin begins to look like a cross between a Nevada dessert and a molting lizard. All because of various mineral deposits and lime scale and a host of other things that sound totally made up by infomercial “scientists.” But I wouldn’t say that in public because I don’t want to sleep on the sofa. Oops! I’m a dutiful husband, though, and I certainly don’t want to look like a molting lizard or the Nevada dessert, especially after a night of sleeping on the couch. So, when she forwarded me an article about water filters for showers that take out bad stuff and help to rejuvenate your body and hair, I did some research, feigned interest and actually bought one. “I ordered the shower filter,” I told her. “Oh goodie!” she said clapping like a seal. “Did you get the one with the Vitamin C infused ceramic beads and the micro luffa sponges and the seaweed extract that turns chlorine into butterscotch candy?”

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Now, for a few words of affirmation on a big anniversary

“We’ve had 20 years to plan our 20th wedding anniversary! TWENTY years!!! It’s a week away! We have NOTHING!!!” It was one of those moments when you try to sneak out of the room. My wife seemed just as upset with herself as with me, and since she clearly had this under control … I … would … just … quietly … tip-toe … out … of … the … “Where are you going?!?” So close. “You’re complicit in this, too, buddy. We’re complete anniversary failures.” “Yeah, I know. I’M SO MAD AT MYSELF! What were we thinking? Oh, well … I guess we’ll just make it up on our 30th. Want to take one of those airplanes that lands on water?” She looked like she might kill me.

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Coping with embarrassing dad syndrome

“Whatever you do, DON’T GET OUT OF THE CAR!” she said … through clinched teeth. Lives seemed to depend on it. I felt the weight of the words, and thought carefully about what I should say next. I’m a mature, thoughtful, relatively intelligent parent who thinks deeply about things. “Say WHAT?!?” I exclaimed. “This is America! You can’t tell me what to do. I have rights, you know? I’ll get out of the car and roll around on the hood like a bad 1980s music video if I want! Don’t think I won’t, either.” Yep, pretty much nailed it. Mature, thoughtful dad – 1. Kid – O This was all over tennis practice pickup. I was being dispatched to collect my middle school daughter from the courts. Seemed simple enough. I had to be there by a certain time … SHARP! I felt kind of like an Uber driver and a stock car racer rolled into one. I thought about buying driving gloves. I felt cool! Then I got my real orders: DON’T GET OUT OF THE CAR! Stay out of sight at all times. If you are seen by anyone — even a Chinese spy satellite flying over — that’s IT for you. You’ll never be allowed out of the house again. You won’t be able to walk me down the aisle one day. I will sell all your financial passwords on the Dark Web. It’ll get real, dad! You got that?

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Has my vocabulary started going gray?

I don’t know why I said it. Where it came from. What possessed me to utter such a strange and utterly absurd greeting to a co-worker. “How you doing, sport?” I said. Sport?!? Who says “sport?” I wondered. I wasn’t the only one. Amused faces popped out of holes everywhere to ponder the same thing. “Did you just say ‘sport?’” they asked. “Seriously?” HAHAHAHA! Yes, I’m afraid I did. And it wasn’t the only one that day. In class later that morning I was talking to my college students about something and then blurted out for some unexplained reason, “Well, damnation!” The class burst into laughter. “Damnation?!?” they howled. “Is that like ‘tarnation?’ ‘Well, fiddlesticks, pa. You best take junior down to the well and fetch a pale for the vittles. Grab the pig while you’re down there.” HAHAHAHA!

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All the terrifying numbers, says a birthday boy

Stupid numbers. Why do some matter more than others? Shake fear into us. Terrorize us. Cause us to cross streets or run screaming when we hear them called out at a deli or they pop up on the calendar. 13. 6-6-6. 1040. (Oh no, the taxman cometh!!!) And then there is this one: 44. Hear it? Despicable. Slimy. Terrifying. The last one is the number of years I’m turning this week. And for some stupid reason, that stupid number is getting to me. Intimidating me. It’s like it carries weight. Baggage. More so than his cousin 43, or even some of his more advanced relatives like 46 or 47. Why? Why is it that some numbers — and especially ages — do this to us? Bring added significance or added pressure. Or a special feeling of doom! When I tell people the number I’m turning, I say it with disdain and contempt — a little bit of trepidation. A shiver curls up and down my spine.

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